martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

Tarot - Crow Fly Black

Crows Fly Black is the seventh record by the Finish band Tarot. It includes the single "You" and the music video from the song "Ashes To The Stars" It is an extremelly good record and probably their best work until now.

Let's start:

The first song, "Crows Fly Black", is a superb introduction to the album. The start creates expectation for what is to come, instead to just banging your speakers like a lot of bands do (I'm not telling that's wrong, but I like the expectation the most). An enjoyable riff starts to sound, and then leaves place to the voices of Marco Hietala and Tommi Salmela. The bridge gives the same sense of expectation that the begining, making you feel that the song ended, just to smash your brain once more and to finishing the song as it was supposed to be, with not rush at all.

Then, it comes "Traitor". It is a way faster song and still pretty enjoyable. There is not to much to remark about it besides the fact that Marco and Tommi's voices make a better job and are combined better in this song that in any other song of the whole album.

"Ashes to the Stars" probably have the best riff/intro in the whole album. It makes you headbang even if you have torticollis. Not just that, but the sound of the bass between the first riff and the vocals is just epic. The video of the song is not remarkable, but the song stands by itself.

"Messenger of Gods" is a song that sounds pretty generic compared to the masterpieces that plague the album. But if you isolate it, you realize that you have a good song, with an awesome intro and a chorus that can make you sing out and loud. As the end of the song gets near, you can almost start to dance at the rythm of the song since it starts to get faster and faster.

"Before the Skies Come Down" is a song with a solid begining, that doesn't let down the listener. The chorus sticks in your head quite easily. The first time I heard this song I spent the rest of the day singing "Beefoooore the skiiieees coome dooooown, you try some more than me". It is a bit repetitive in the end, but it is fine.

"Tides" is the ballad of the album. A beautiful song with a calm and relaxed piano in the background at the begining. In the chorus, they introduce all the instruments, but jsut to mark the rythm. If you close your eyes, you can see the crowd with their lighters moving them side to side.

And after the slow song, PUM! An awesome battery begining of a song that has all the speed that "Tides" lost. It is "Bleeding Dust". Marco and Tommi entwine their voices in this superb song. The problem is that in this point the album is starting to sound repetitive. I mean, even master riffs like those may get you tired after a while. But that sensation only last a moment, because next comes... "You".

"You" is the best song of the album. This is a fast song, but not enough keep the listener from enjoying it. It's structure is pretty good, it is an organized song with the elements right in where they should be. The chorus is also damn good! "You! Forgotten you! Forsaken you! Forever you!" I know it is not poetry at all, but it makes you shout!

"Howl!" Actually, I have to say that what I like the best of this song is are the lyrics. Since I love wolves, well, any kind of artistic representation will earn my heart if it is through these animals. But the song by itself is good. It is a breath of fresh air to hear a song that starts with an acoustic guitar instead of the normal electric one.

And finally, "Grey". I don't really like this song. I mean, it is good, but it looks pale in comparison to the other songs.

And, to finish, well, i guess I'd give this one 5 horns out of 5.

So, this is it for now.

First post - not a review - introduction

My second blog!!!

I'm happy to start this one since I won't have any restriction about bad words, bad spelling or bad... well, bad anything. This is not for school, so I can just say: fuck it.

This blog will be about music. I'll try to put a review on at least once a week of an album that particuarly interests me. It can be in a positive or negative way.

Actually, I don't know why am I writing it in English. I'm way better writing in Spanish. But I guess that more poeple will be able to read this if I do it that way. Maybe I'll publish some things in Spanish or I'll do the translated version.

Eso es todo por el momento. En sus marcas, listos, ¡¡¡fuera!!!